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Om Radio Sommerfjord

Hvorfor høre på oss?

Radio Sommerfjord er lokalisert i Sandefjord. Her får du kvalitetsmusikk fra flere tiår og fra hele verden.

Radio Sommerfjord har lyst til at du opplever bredden i musikken. Når vi spiller Dire Straits, spiller vi ikke de samme tre sangene som P4 spiller hele tiden. I stedet kan du risikere å høre en ganske ukjent låt som du kanskje aldri har hørt før.

Meet the Crew

The Family

Keep reading and learn all about our dedicated professionals. The radio team at Radio Sommerfjord works hard around the clock in order to provide original and engaging content at all hours of the day. Get in touch if you’re interested in meeting the creative geniuses behind the greatest radio station in town.

Smiling Young Girl

DJ Pepper


It takes talent to know talent, and DJ Pepper understands that better than anyone. Want to find out more about this individual? Learn more about their great work as a DJ.

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Young Man

DJ Salt

Radio Personality

DJ Salt is the type of person who can only do one thing, but does it better than everyone else. DJ Salt lives and breathes music. Get in touch in order to learn a thing or two about the industry.

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Cute Young Girl

DJ Dylan

Radio Host

DJ Dylan is among the most talented hosts on the team. DJ Dylan is one of our youngest and most recent hires, but they’re already an essential family member.

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